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First - love yourself....

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The first step in our 3 levels of InfiniteLoove is the love you must have for yourself.

It is basic need because you can not exist without yourself and thus receive and give love to others and the world around you.

Your own love is measured in acceptance of yourself for better or worse.

To accommodate both the negative and positive feelings within you or both the desired and unwanted feelings you may experience, acceptance is a fine tool.

An emotional width that accepts and includes all thoughts and feelings without judging, acceptance forgive and understand and is able to make space for even the craziest creative inner you to get space in this world.

This accepting provides self-esteem and you must allow yourself to be you no matter what or how others are trying to make you feel. They can not determine your feelings, only you can do that. But it is clear that people you appreciate highly will affect one's feelings, just don't let them disrupt your acceptance of being good enough or even just enough.

Therefore, make sure you know yourself, know your boundaries, accept yourself and all your feelings, because in that way you have more accepting love to give to others. And also important you're better at recognizing others love and accept for you.

Love has no limits and there is enough love in this world for all of us <3 :) <3

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